Life doesn’t always turn out the way you planned…


My father started growing roses right about when I was born, in 1986. I remember playing around the greenhouses as a little boy, never imagining that 30 years later this would be my life. After graduating from college and taking some time to work in different industries, trying to find my own path away from my family business, I was gladly surprised to realize that here is where I want to be.

With this in mind, and with the love and support of my amazing wife and companion I took the challenge to bring our rose plantation into the future. Always keeping in mind my father’s teachings, protecting our mother earth and understanding that a beautiful rose is only beautiful if it serves a purpose. The arrival of my first born made me realize that the love that a parent has is limitless, and everything we do is always with their best interest in mind.

My father has worked very hard to give us the best opportunities and this plantation with its 250 employees has been a great part of his blessing. I hope that this plantation will keep providing secure jobs and wonderful moments long after I am gone, and that my children can teach their children what my father taught me.

– Nicolás.

Absolut in Pink

Amorosa - Pink

Amorosa - Pink

Nos vinculamos estrictamente a las obligaciones sociales, benéficas y damos incentivos a nuestra mano de obra.El bienestar de nuestros trabajadores ha sido siempre la columna de nuestra organización.Debido a nuestros altos estándares de control de la calidad y el uso de productos alelopáticos, no solo hemos contribuido con nuestra responsabilidad ecológica, también nos hemos hecho merecedores a la Rosa de Platino en la feria Agriflor en la ciudad de Quito, por mejor diseño y presentación.Nuestros clientes son principalmente Mayoristas en USA, Rusia, Ucrania, Alemania, Holanda, Inglaterra y Japón. Continuamente seleccionamos y crecemos las mejores y nuevas variedades que los mercados de hoy están buscando.Cuando usted compra las rosas de ECUAGARDEN®, también compra nuestro excelente servicio; entendemos muy bien que su éxito depende no solo de la calidad del producto sino también de nuestros servicios comerciales y logísticos.Trabajamos con pasión para garantizar la mejor calidad de rosas, el mejor producto al mejor precio.
